Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Miscellaneous bits

Back tracking a bit, here's a photo of R's temporary office while the basement was being done. The smaller iMac is mine since this is my temporary office (the study is being used for catch-all storage room). The larger iMac is R's. Looks like we're ready for a game of Battleship.

R has since moved back down to the basement so I have my temp office to myself again, minus Kevin and Bryan when they're here working on the house.

Here's a picture of our new travel mascot. He has yet to be named. We've been wanting something that's small and light to take on our trips with us, and this little guy fits perfectly. We're planning to photograph him in different locales and put together a travel blog. I found him at the One of a Kind Craft Show and my friend Lynda bought him as a birthday present for me. He's really adorable and I love his wide-eyed surprised look. If you have a name suggestion for him, let us know.

Finally, here's the baby blanket I've been working on since last summer. It's a gift for R's co-worker who's currently on maternity leave. The baby was born last October and I just finished it a few days ago. It would have been done sooner but selling the condos and moving got in the way. I'm really happy with the results. I may need to make one for myself, in a larger size.

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