Friday, February 18, 2011

Kitchen update

The kitchen is moving along. K & B have updated the wiring and added some outlets for the new range location. Moving the range meant having to run a new dedicated line from the circuit box, located in the basement, under the front kitchen window. Unfortunately, the joists run crosswise, meaning more work.

The wall to the left has been insulated. Since it's an old bungalow, none of the walls are insulated and we find this wall to be very cold when the wind blows. K & B also built it out a few inches, meaning we lose a few inches of width in the kitchen. As we've been discovering, the walls in this house (and pretty much all old houses) aren't straight. The corner of the kitchen, where the head space for the stairs is located, isn't square. A big problem if your corner cabinet has to be located here so to square it up, we give up an inch or two of floor space. That's fine; it's a fairly wide kitchen.

The walls were a dark mustard yellow colour which really made the space seem small and dark. I'm happy to say the yellow is now gone and white primer is in its place. Already, it seems more roomy. Our final colour choice was a warm gray from Benjamin Moore, called Gray Mist. It'll pick up the subtle gray bits in the counter top we've chosen and contrast nicely with the cabinets.

K suggested cutting a tall, narrow window in the wall between the kitchen and the entry area. I'm amazed at how such a little thing has given this area a much more open feel.

Last but not least, the tile floor is in! Yay! It still needs to be grouted and we're short some tiles for the entry area (our fault; we're still learning how to use a tape measure) but we're happy with the results so far. The extra tile should be here next week and we'll post more pictures of the final product then.

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