Friday, March 4, 2011

We have a kitchen...almost

Renovating a kitchen has taught us a number of things, one being that endless trips to Ikea to exchange and/or return cabinets are a necessary evil. For me, Ikea used to be a rare treat since I didn't get to go very often (as a non-driver, I depended on tagging along with friends who were going so trips were few and far between). In the last month, we've been to Ikea so many times that the mere mention of the name causes R to whimper and quiver in fear. I've resorted to bribing him with a frozen yogurt cone (or 10) to get him to go. This worked until one day, he went to get yogurt while I waited to return some items. R returned, irritated and empty-handed. What happened? The frozen yogurt machine was broken. Uh oh. Sorry, honey.

I think they were serving A322 when we showed up

Despite it all, the kitchen is coming together nicely. The cabinets are up, the appliances are in, and now we're just waiting for the counter top to be installed. After that, hook up the drain and faucet, get the dishwasher installed and we're cooking!

Lots of storage space

I must have had B adjust the height of these at least three times

Checking out the new cabinets

Marking the panels sides that we want to face out

Making more notes for K & B

Admiring the new pantry. Oooooo!

We have light!

And more light!

The new range and microwave

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