Friday, April 22, 2011

New floors

Plan A: To have the floors refinished. The house has original oak strip flooring and having them refinished would be the least expensive option. Unfortunately, the oak flooring was pretty thin in areas and wouldn't stand up to another sanding and refinishing. Plus, some areas were pretty badly stained (dog pee?) and other areas were badly patched. On to Plan B.

Plan B: To do nothing for now. With the cost of the renovations adding up, we thought maybe we'd just live with the floor as is for now and have them replaced at a later date. However, the more repairs we did, the sadder the floors looked in comparison. Also, if we do the floors later, we'd have to re-pack everything and clear the rooms. We've been living out of boxes for six months now and the thought of packing and unpacking again in the near future made us cringe. On to Plan C.

Plan C: Bite the bullet and just do it. So we did. We chose a nice cinnamon ash to replace the oak strip. Similar colour and grain but we're told ash is much harder than oak and the floor place was having a sale on cinnamon ash. We're sold!

Here are the before photos...

Stained floor in the den

R's dusty work shoes

Fresh air return in the bedroom

 ...and the in-progress photos.

The new floor is a pleasure to walk on and looks lovely. We'll be posting more photos after the baseboards and trim are done.

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