Friday, December 24, 2010


We went out the other day to run errands and help a friend set up her new iMac. When we returned, the mess in our basement was magically gone!



Ha, actually, no, it was Kevin. In the last two days, he's taken up the carpet and floor tiles that were there and put down a Dricore sub-floor. We originally thought we'd leave the tiled area but on closer examination, it's not great tile. It chips easily and the colour/pattern is only on the surface. Also, it breaks up the space so we decided to have it removed and do the whole basement in a nice cherry laminate. It'll be a much warmer, more inviting space.

Before the flooring goes in however, there's a pipe and a drain that need to be dealt with. In the 'after' photo above, you can see a short piece of pipe that sticks up from the concrete floor. This is where the bathroom was originally located, until the previous owner moved it to the other side of the location. The pipe and water hook-up in the wall next to it were left in place in case someone wanted to install a kitchen and turn the basement into an income property. Randy and I aren't the landlord type and even if we were, one viewing of 'Pacific Heights' would have put an end to that notion. In addition to the pipes, the concrete in this area also needs some leveling. Lots of work for Kevin. Did I mention how much we like Kevin?

The Dricore goes in

Our stack of Dricore

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