Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Clean laundry and more storage...

The basement's nowhere near done but it's coming along. The pocket door for the bathroom was put in place and the plumbing and electrical behind the washer/dryer area was tidied up. We found an old gas line behind the wall and had to call the gas company to come out and make sure it was no longer in use. Part of the gas line was removed and capped to gain a few inches. In a tiny space, every little bit counts!

The bones of the pocket door

Last week we were in desperate need of clean clothes. Our old machines were dismantled and the new ones were waiting to be hooked up. Things looked dire and we contemplated having to use a local laundromat. My last experience with one was over 12 years ago and involved a complete stranger digging through my washer and dryer, thinking it was hers. My fault for leaving it unattended, even for a split second. Lucky for us, Kevin installed them before the weekend, even though he's not quite done with the laundry area. I was never so happy to do laundry in my life!

They look black but they're really 'Royal Grape'
Compared to the before picture (see the earlier post below), there's a lot more light in this area now. Yay! Granted, it's just a hanging light bulb on the end of an electrical cord, but it'll be a real light fixture just as soon as we find one we like. It needs to be close to the ceiling since Randy's quite tall (his head just clears the doorway by a couple inches).

The inner pocket door is done and just needs framing
On to the basement steps which have been closed off to provide a little more storage space. We really like the look of it better than the open steps. The plan is to install an access door that will blend into the wall. Previously, the door was a louvered, bi-fold door. We think it was there before the carpet was installed because the door would catch on the carpet every time we tried to open it.

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