Friday, December 17, 2010

The laundry...

The laundry area was in a closet in the basement bathroom. This meant that we couldn't put in a load of laundry if the bathroom was in use, which we didn't like. We also weren't crazy about the louvered, bi-fold doors, especially since they tend to knock against the washer/dryer knobs (the dryer knob was already broken). We also couldn't open the detergent drawer without popping out one side of the bi-fold door (very inconvenient). Then there was the very unattractive utility sink next to the washer/dryer in the closet. I guess if it's in a closet, it doesn't matter if it's pretty or not but we wanted open up the laundry closet and move the bathroom door so that it closed off the bathroom only, leaving the laundry area open. So pretty it will have to be, or at least presentable. Don't want to scare any overnight guests on their way to the bathroom.

The basement bathroom/laundry area

The old laundry machines

Since we appreciate wearing clean clothes and we're certain our friends would prefer us to wear clean clothes, we had Kevin start right away on the laundry area. He pulled out the old machines, removed the doors and cleaned up the area to make way for our new washer/dryer. Directly across from the laundry area was a small storage closet. In order to put in a new door for the bathroom, the left wall of the closet had to be moved. The plus side of this was a larger storage closet which we're thinking of leaving open and just putting in some base cabinets with a counter for folding laundry. The downside is a slightly smaller bathroom. Oh well, can't have everything.

The demolition begins
The wall between the laundry area and the bathroom was removed and will be re-built with a pocket door to save space. I have to say, I love pocket doors. They're so very cool.


  1. I had to look up what a pocket door was but now that I have... I want one!

  2. Wow. What an ambitious project. Sounds great though.
